8 Fastest Ways to Naturally Clear Mucus and Phlegm | Breathe Easy Today!
Are you
tired of that annoying cough, stuffy nose, or the feeling of mucus stuck in
your throat? Your immune system produces mucus to fight off viruses and
bacteria, but when there’s too much of it, it becomes a problem. In this video,
we’ll explore the fastest natural remedies to clear mucus and phlegm, help you
breathe better, and speed up recovery.
Sinus Rinse
Did you know
most respiratory infections start in your sinuses? Mucus builds up here,
dripping into your throat and lungs, causing coughs and congestion.
Mix 1 cup of
water, ½ teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt, and 5 drops of grapefruit seed
Use a neti
pot to flush your sinuses. Tilt your head and pour the solution into one
nostril, letting it drain out the other.
This not
only removes mucus but also targets harmful microbes at the source!
2. Antiseptic Gargle
If mucus is
due to a throat infection, try this antiseptic gargle:
Mix ½ cup of
warm water, ¼ teaspoon of sea salt, and 1 teaspoon of povidone iodine.
Gargle twice
daily to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi while reducing inflammation. It
thins out mucus, making it easier to expel.
3. Sulfur-Rich Foods
sulfur-rich foods like garlic, onions, and radishes helps thin mucus naturally.
These foods make it easier for your body to clear it out. Plus, onions contain
quercetin, which reduces inflammation caused by allergies and infections.
4. Zinc & Vitamin C Boost
When you’re
sick, your body needs more zinc and vitamin C. These nutrients reduce
inflammation and help fight infections.
Take 30-60
mg of zinc glycinate daily.
Load up on
natural vitamin C sources like citrus fruits and berries.
nutrients also help the tiny hairs in your throat, called cilia, to push out
mucus more efficiently.
5. Mucolytic Enzymes
Enzymes like
bromelain in pineapple and papain in papaya can break down sticky mucus. Blend
a whole pineapple, including the core, into juice. Drink it when mucus builds
up to quickly thin and expel it.
6. Steam Therapy
pressure in your sinuses? Steam therapy is your answer. Take a hot bath with
Epsom salts or lean over a bowl of hot water with a few drops of peppermint
Steam widens
airways, thins mucus, and helps clear sinuses. For extra relief, dress warmly
and let your body sweat out the toxins.
7. Intermittent Fasting
When you’re
unwell, your body naturally loses appetite to focus on healing. Support this
process by intermittent fasting.
hydrated with a mixture of water and sea salt to keep your cells nourished.
Avoid sugary and processed foods—they deplete vitamin C and slow recovery.
8. Positive Pressure Technique
with stubborn mucus? Try this simple exercise:
Fill a glass
with water and insert a straw.
deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly through the straw, creating
technique dislodges mucus and calms your cough. Repeat 5 times a day for best
to Avoid:
Here are
things to avoid while recovering:
Alcohol and dairy,
as they thicken mucus.
cough suppressants—they trap mucus in your lungs.
indoors without ventilation?
Get some fresh air!
If you
experience frequent mucus buildup, focus on strengthening your immune system:
Cut back on
sugar, seed oils, and grains.
Take 10,000
IU of vitamin D3 daily to boost immunity.
And there
you have it—8 powerful, natural ways to clear mucus and phlegm fast!
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